Our chairsGeorgia MinnieBeta Delta Class
Jacey RobsonBeta Epsilon Class
Philanthropy is an essential part of our sorority. We dedicate our time throughout the year to give to our charities, Women's Groups and Services and Heart and Stroke Foundation, as well as to our community. In the past, sisters organized spa days at a women's shelter, made care packages and sandwiches for homeless people in the Ottawa area, wrote holidays cards to kids at CHEO (Children Hospital of Eastern Ontario), and much more! On top of all the official events we participate in, Nu Sigs support and take part in other fraternities and sororities initiatives like Sigma Chi's Derby Days. Our sisters are very proud of our philanthropic work, and what the greek community accomplishes every year!
After years of adopting and cleaning Petrie Island Beach in Orleans, we decided to adopt Range Road, a street closer to downtown. It is important for us to have an active role in keeping our city clean and free of litter to protect the environment and animal habitats. In the end, it enhances the quality of life of our neighbourhood.
Each winter semester, Nu Sig organizes our famous Greek Pageant, where all of the Greek organizations compete against one another in different categories such as ABC costume, talent and a question-and-answer round. It's a huge success every year with prizes for the top 3 fraternities and sororities contestants! Part of the proceeds go to the charity of our choosing, and the other part acts as a fundraiser for our sorority.
Each fall, all sororities and fraternities in Ottawa participate and compete against each other in the Greek Olympics. It's the most anticipated event of the year! Not only is this weekend an opportunity to have fun playing sports and compete in other games, it gives us the chance to raise money for a charity. This year, the Greek community raised $10,000! All the proceeds went to Mental Health research at CHEO, the Children Hospital of Eastern Ontario.
The sisters of Nu Sigma Pi are so proud to participate in Relay For Life each year. We stay up all night to remember and fight for those affected by cancer. In March 2019, we helped raise $155,000 to fight cancer - an ultime record. This helped Carleton University to become the first post-secondary institution to raise 1 million dollars in 10 years!
Nu Sigma Pi is involved with Pearls 4 Girls which makes and sells pearl jewelry to help send girls in Lesotho to Help Lesotho's Leadership Camp. The charity of Help Lesotho, founded by uOttawa professor Peg Herberta, has the mission to create positive social change by helping girls and youth develop confidence and self-esteem, knowledge and skills, and leadership.
Shop Pearls 4 Girls' jewelry here Learn more about Help Lesotho here |