our chairsPaisley reidBeta Beta Class
Nasya PalmerBeta Zeta Class
amelia smerdonBeta Zeta Class
At Nu Sigma Pi, what we cherish most is the sisterhood we share. Our sorority is built of strong, loving, dedicated and smart women, and we celebrate and foster our bonds as sisters at every occasion. From the moment new members join Nu Sig, they are invited to a variety of events to better get to know their pledge sisters and the active sisters. Aside from the planned activities during the school year, we are always doing fun things together, like going camping, exploring Ottawa, going to the Panda Game, travelling during reading weeks and summer breaks, and going to music festivals. What makes a sisterhood special is the funny, the serious and everything in-between. We constantly learn from one another and encourage each other to grow.
Sisterhood is...
“Always having an adventure buddy”
“Knowing someone will always be there for the good and the bad at anytime of the day or night”
“Looking at your sisters and realizing how lucky you are to have them”
“Sisters pushing you to get out of your comfort zone, and inspiring you to hustle”
“Travelling across the country to visit each other because 4 months of summer is way too long”
“The unique bond of a pledge class”